
Some of the values within this page can automatically be replaced with documentation variables.


Example Configuration

This section is intended as an example configuration to help users with a rough contextual layout of this configuration section, it is not intended to explain the options. The configuration shown may not be a valid configuration, and you should see the options section below and the navigation links to properly understand each option individually.

    address: 'ldap://'
    implementation: 'custom'
    timeout: '5s'
    start_tls: false
      server_name: 'ldap.example.com'
      skip_verify: false
      minimum_version: 'TLS1.2'
      maximum_version: 'TLS1.3'
      certificate_chain: |
        -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
        -----END CERTIFICATE-----
        -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
        -----END CERTIFICATE-----
      private_key: |
        -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
        -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
      enable: false
      count: 5
      retries: 2
      timeout: '10 seconds'
    base_dn: 'DC=example,DC=com'
    additional_users_dn: 'OU=users'
    users_filter: '(&({username_attribute}={input})(objectClass=person))'
    additional_groups_dn: 'OU=groups'
    groups_filter: '(&(member={dn})(objectClass=groupOfNames))'
    group_search_mode: 'filter'
    permit_referrals: false
    permit_unauthenticated_bind: false
    permit_feature_detection_failure: false
    user: 'CN=admin,DC=example,DC=com'
    password: 'password'
      distinguished_name: 'distinguishedName'
      username: 'uid'
      display_name: 'displayName'
      family_name: 'sn'
      given_name: 'givenName'
      middle_name: 'middleName'
      nickname: ''
      gender: ''
      birthdate: ''
      website: 'wWWHomePage'
      profile: ''
      picture: ''
      zoneinfo: ''
      locale: ''
      phone_number: 'telephoneNumber'
      phone_extension: ''
      street_address: 'streetAddress'
      locality: 'l'
      region: 'st'
      postal_code: 'postalCode'
      country: 'c'
      mail: 'mail'
      member_of: 'memberOf'
      group_name: 'cn'
          name: ''
          multi_valued: false
          value_type: 'string'


This section describes the individual configuration options.


string address required

Reference Note

This configuration option uses a common syntax. For more information please see both the configuration example and the Common Syntax: Address reference guide.

The LDAP URL which consists of a scheme, hostname, and port. Format is [<scheme>://]<hostname>[:<port>]. The default scheme is ldapi if the path is absolute otherwise it’s ldaps, and the permitted schemes are ldap, ldaps, or ldapi (a unix domain socket).

If the scheme is ldapi it must be followed by an absolute path to an existing unix domain socket that the user/group the Authelia process is running as has the appropriate permissions to access. For example if the socket is located at /var/run/slapd.sock the address should be ldapi:///var/run/slapd.sock.


    address: 'ldaps://dc1.example.com'
    address: 'ldap://[fd00:1111:2222:3333::1]'


string custom not required

Configures the LDAP implementation used by Authelia.

See the Implementation Guide for information.


string integer duration 5 seconds not required

Reference Note

This configuration option uses a common syntax. For more information please see both the configuration example and the Common Syntax: Duration reference guide.

The timeout for dialing an LDAP connection.


boolean false not required

Enables use of the LDAP StartTLS process which is not commonly used. You should only configure this if you know you need it. The initial connection will be over plain text, and Authelia will try to upgrade it with the LDAP server. LDAPS URL’s are slightly more secure.


structure tls not required

Reference Note

This configuration option uses a common structure. For more information please see both the configuration example and the Common Structure: TLS reference guide.

If defined this option controls the TLS connection verification parameters for the LDAP server.

By default Authelia uses the system certificate trust for TLS certificate verification of TLS connections and the certificates_directory global option can be used to augment this.


The connection pooling configuration.


boolean false not required

Enables the connection pooling functionality.


integer 5 not required

The number of open connections to be available in the pool at any given time.


integer 2 not required

The number of attempts to obtain a free connecting that are made within the timeout period. This effectively splits the timeout into chunks.


string integer duration 20 seconds not required

Reference Note

This configuration option uses a common syntax. For more information please see both the configuration example and the Common Syntax: Duration reference guide.

The amount of time that we wait for a connection to become free in the pool before giving up and failing with an error.


string situational

Sets the base distinguished name container for all LDAP queries. If your LDAP domain is example.com this is usually DC=example,DC=com, however you can fine tune this to be more specific for example to only include objects inside the authelia OU: OU=authelia,DC=example,DC=com. This is prefixed with the additional_users_dn for user searches and additional_groups_dn for groups searches.


string not required

Additional LDAP path to append to the base_dn when searching for users. Useful if you want to restrict exactly which OU to get users from for either security or performance reasons. For example setting it to OU=users,OU=people with a base_dn set to DC=example,DC=com will mean user searches will occur in OU=users,OU=people,DC=example,DC=com.


string situational


This option is technically required however the implementation option can implicitly set a default negating this requirement. Refer to the filter defaults for more information.

The LDAP filter to narrow down which users are valid. This is important to set correctly as to exclude disabled users. The default value is dependent on the implementation, refer to the attribute defaults for more information.


string not required

Similar to additional_users_dn but it applies to group searches.


string situational


This option is technically required however the implementation option can implicitly set a default negating this requirement. Refer to the filter defaults for more information.

Similar to users_filter but it applies to group searches. In order to include groups the member is not a direct member of, but is a member of another group that is a member of those (i.e. recursive groups), you may try using the following filter which is currently only tested against Microsoft Active Directory:



string filter not required

The group search mode controls how user groups are discovered. The default of filter directly uses the filter to determine the result. The memberof experimental mode does another special filtered search. See the Reference Documentation for more information.


boolean false not required

Permits following referrals. This is useful if you have read-only servers in your architecture and thus require referrals to be followed when performing write operations.


boolean false not required

WARNING: This option is strongly discouraged. Please consider disabling unauthenticated binding to your LDAP server and utilizing a service account.

Permits binding to the server without a password. For this option to be enabled both the password configuration option must be blank and the password_reset disable option must be true.


boolean false not required

Authelia searches for the RootDSE to discover supported controls and extensions. This option is a compatibility option which should not be enabled unless the LDAP server returns an error when searching for the RootDSE.


string required

The distinguished name of the user paired with the password to bind with for lookup and password change operations.


string required

Important Note

This can also be defined using a secret which is strongly recommended especially for containerized deployments.

The password paired with the user used to bind to the LDAP server for lookup and password change operations.

It’s strongly recommended this is a Random Alphanumeric String with 64 or more characters and the user password is changed to this value.


The following options configure The directory server attribute mappings. It’s also recommended to check out the Attributes Reference Guide for more information.


string situational


This option is technically not required however it is required when using the group search mode memberof replacement {memberof:dn}.

The directory server attribute which contains the distinguished name, primarily used to perform filtered searches. There is a clear distinction between the actual distinguished name and a distinguished name attribute, all directories have distinguished names for objects, but not all have an attribute representing this that can be searched on.

The only known support at this time is with Active Directory.


string situational


This option is technically required however the implementation option can implicitly set a default negating this requirement. Refer to the attribute defaults for more information.

The directory server attribute that maps to the username in Authelia. This must contain the {username_attribute} placeholder.


string situational


This option is technically required however the implementation option can implicitly set a default negating this requirement. Refer to the attribute defaults for more information.

The directory server attribute to retrieve which is shown on the Web UI to the user when they log in.


string not required

The directory server attribute which contains the users family name.


string not required

The directory server attribute which contains the users given name.


string not required

The directory server attribute which contains the users middle name.


string not required

The directory server attribute which contains the users nickname.


string not required

The directory server attribute which contains the users gender.


string not required

The directory server attribute which contains the users birthdate.


string not required

The directory server attribute which contains the users website URL.


string not required

The directory server attribute which contains the users profile URL.


string not required

The directory server attribute which contains the users picture URL.


string not required

The directory server attribute which contains the users timezone value from the IANA Time Zone Database.


string not required

The directory server attribute which contains the users locale in the RFC5646 BCP 47 format.


string not required

The directory server attribute which contains the users phone number.


string not required

The directory server attribute which contains the users phone extension.


string not required

The directory server attribute which contains the users street address.


string not required

The directory server attribute which contains the users locality i.e. city.


string not required

The directory server attribute which contains the users region i.e. state or province.


string not required

The directory server attribute which contains the users postal code.


string not required

The directory server attribute which contains the users country.


string situational


This option is technically required however the implementation option can implicitly set a default negating this requirement. Refer to the attribute defaults for more information.

The directory server attribute to retrieve which contains the users email addresses. This is important for the device registration and password reset processes. The user must have an email address in order for Authelia to perform identity verification when a user attempts to reset their password or register a second factor device.


string situational


This option is technically required however the implementation option can implicitly set a default negating this requirement. Refer to the attribute defaults for more information.

The directory server attribute which contains the groups a user is a member of. This is currently only used for the memberof group search mode.


string situational


This option is technically required however the implementation option can implicitly set a default negating this requirement. Refer to the attribute defaults for more information.

The directory server attribute that is used by Authelia to determine the group name.


dictionary(object) not required


In addition to the extra attributes, you can configure custom attributes based on the values of existing attributes. This is done via the Definitions section.

The extra attributes to load from the directory server. These extra attributes can be used in other areas of Authelia such as OpenID Connect 1.0.

The key represents the backend attribute name, and by default is the name of the attribute within Authelia.

In the example below, we load the directory server attribute exampleServerAttribute into the Authelia attribute example_authelia_attribute, treat it as a single valued attribute which has an underlying type of integer.

          name: 'example_authelia_attribute'
          multi_valued: false
          value_type: 'integer'


string not required

This option changes that attribute name used for internal references within Authelia.


string required

This defines the underlying type the attribute must be. This is required if an extra attribute is configured. The valid values are string, integer, or boolean. When using the integer and boolean types, the directory attributes must have parsable values.


boolean not required

This indicates the underlying type can have multiple values.

Refresh Interval

It’s recommended you either use the default refresh interval or configure this to a value low enough to refresh the user groups and status (deleted, disabled, etc) to adequately secure your environment.

Important notes

Users must be uniquely identified by an attribute, this attribute must obviously contain a single value and be guaranteed by the administrator to be unique. If multiple users have the same value, Authelia will simply fail authenticating the user and display an error message in the logs.

In order to avoid such problems, we highly recommended you follow RFC2307 by using sAMAccountName for Active Directory and uid for other implementations as the attribute holding the unique identifier for your users.

See Also