

Example Configuration

This section is intended as an example configuration to help users with a rough contextual layout of this configuration section, it is not intended to explain the options. The configuration shown may not be a valid configuration, and you should see the options section below and the navigation links to properly understand each option individually.

  disable: false
  enable_passkey_login: false
  display_name: 'Authelia'
  attestation_conveyance_preference: 'indirect'
  timeout: '60 seconds'
    permitted_aaguids: []
    prohibited_aaguids: []
    prohibit_backup_eligibility: false
    attachment: ''
    discoverability: 'preferred'
    user_verification: 'preferred'
    enabled: false
    validate_trust_anchor: true
    validate_entry: true
    validate_entry_permit_zero_aaguid: false
    validate_status: true
    validate_status_permitted: []
      - 'REVOKED'


This section describes the individual configuration options.


boolean false not required

This disables WebAuthn if set to true.


boolean false not required

Enables login via a Passkey instead of a username and password. This login only counts as a single factor. The user will be prompted for their password by default if the request requires multi-factor authentication.


Stability and Security Notice

This option is not considered supported. It is completely experimental and will be replaced by custom policies that can be defined in the access control section and allow deterministic results for authentication. This is in an effort to properly support Authentication Method Reference Values for authentication flows. The likely versions this will release in will be detailed in the roadmap item (specifically at the time we add the flow to replace this) that this option will cause a startup failure.

This option allows for authenticators that enforce user verification (PIN entry, biometric proof, etc) and reports they have performed user verification, to satisfy the two_factor policy for access control rules.


string Authelia not required

Sets the display name which is sent to the client to be displayed. It’s up to individual browsers and potentially individual operating systems if and how they display this information.

See the W3C WebAuthn Documentation for more information.


string indirect not required

Sets the conveyance preference. Conveyancing allows collection of attestation statements about the authenticator such as the AAGUID. The AAGUID indicates the model of the authenticator.

See the W3C WebAuthn Documentation for more information.

Available Options:

Value Description
none The client will be instructed not to perform conveyancing
indirect The client will be instructed to perform conveyancing but the client can choose how to do this including using a third party anonymization CA
direct The client will be instructed to perform conveyancing with an attestation statement directly signed by the authenticator


string integer duration 60 seconds not required

Reference Note

This configuration option uses a common syntax. For more information please see both the configuration example and the Common Syntax: Duration reference guide.

This adjusts the requested timeout for a WebAuthn interaction.


This section configures various filtering options during registration.


list(string) uuid not required

A list of Authenticator Attestation GUID’s that are the only ones allowed to be registered. Useful if you have a company policy that requires certain authenticators. Mutually exclusive with prohibited_aaguids.


list(string) uuid not required

A list of Authenticator Attestation GUID’s that users will not be able to register. Useful if company policy prevents certain authenticators. Mutually exclusive with permitted_aaguids.


boolean false not required

Setting this value to true will ensure Authenticators which can export credentials will not be able to register. This will likely prevent synchronized credentials from being registered.


The selection criteria options set preferences for selecting a suitable authenticator.


string not required

Sets the attachment preference for newly created credentials.

Available Options:

Value Description
empty The Authenticators that are available will be shown and the user can pick the specific criteria
cross-platform Authenticators that can move from one system to another such as physical security keys
platform Authenticators that are part of the platform such as Windows Hello, AppleID, etc


string preferred not required

Sets the discoverability preference. May affect the creation of Passkeys.

Value Description
discouraged Prefers no discoverability
preferred Prefers discoverability and will not error if it’s not discoverable
required Requires discoverability and may error if it’s not discoverable


string preferred not required

Sets the user verification preference.

See the W3C WebAuthn Documentation for more information.

Available Options:

Value Description
discouraged The client will be discouraged from asking for user verification
preferred The client if compliant will ask the user for verification if the authenticator supports it
required The client will ask the user for verification or will fail if the authenticator does not support verification


Configures the metadata service which is used to check the authenticity of authenticators. Useful if company policy requires only conformant authenticators.

See the reference guide for the recommended configuration.


boolean false not required

Enables metadata service validation of authenticators and credentials. This requires the download of the metadata service blob which will utilize about 5MB of data in your configured storage backend.

By default to prevent breaking changes this value is false. It’s recommended however users take the time to configure it now that it’s available.


boolean true not required

Enables validation of the attestation certificate against the Certificate Authority certificate in the validated MDS3 blob. It’s recommended this value is always the default value.


boolean true not required

Enables validation that an entry exists for the authenticator in the MDS3 blob. It’s recommended that this option is the default value, however this may exclude some authenticators which DO NOT have FIDO compliance certification or have otherwise not registered with the MDS3. The recommendation is based on the fact that the authenticity of a particular authenticator cannot be validated without this.


boolean false not required

Allows authenticators which have provided an empty Authenticator Attestation GUID. This may be required for certain authenticators which DO NOT have FIDO compliance certification.


boolean true not required

Enables validation of the attestation entry statuses. There is generally never a reason to disable this as the authenticators excluded by default are likely compromised.


list(string) not required

A list of exclusively required statuses for an authenticator to pass validation. See the reference guide for information on valid values.


list(string) not required

A list of authenticator statuses which for an authenticator that are prohibited from being registered. See the reference guide for information on valid values. It’s strongly recommended not changing the default value.

The default configuration for this option is as per the Configuration example above.

Frequently Asked Questions

See the Security Key FAQ for the FAQ.