

Example Configuration

This section is intended as an example configuration to help users with a rough contextual layout of this configuration section, it is not intended to explain the options. The configuration shown may not be a valid configuration, and you should see the options section below and the navigation links to properly understand each option individually.

  disable: false
  display_name: 'Authelia'
  attestation_conveyance_preference: 'indirect'
  user_verification: 'preferred'
  timeout: '60s'


This section describes the individual configuration options.


boolean false not required

This disables WebAuthn if set to true.


string Authelia not required

Sets the display name which is sent to the client to be displayed. It’s up to individual browsers and potentially individual operating systems if and how they display this information.

See the W3C WebAuthn Documentation for more information.


string indirect not required

Sets the conveyance preference. Conveyancing allows collection of attestation statements about the authenticator such as the AAGUID. The AAGUID indicates the model of the device.

See the W3C WebAuthn Documentation for more information.

Available Options:

Value Description
none The client will be instructed not to perform conveyancing
indirect The client will be instructed to perform conveyancing but the client can choose how to do this including using a third party anonymization CA
direct The client will be instructed to perform conveyancing with an attestation statement directly signed by the device


string preferred not required

Sets the user verification preference.

See the W3C WebAuthn Documentation for more information.

Available Options:

Value Description
discouraged The client will be discouraged from asking for user verification
preferred The client if compliant will ask the user for verification if the device supports it
required The client will ask the user for verification or will fail if the device does not support verification


string integer duration 60 seconds not required

Reference Note

This configuration option uses a common syntax. For more information please see both the configuration example and the Common Syntax: Duration reference guide.

This adjusts the requested timeout for a WebAuthn interaction.

Frequently Asked Questions

See the Security Key FAQ for the FAQ.