
The Authelia team takes security very seriously. Because Authelia is intended as a security product a lot of decisions are made with security being the priority and we always aim to implement security by design.

Coordinated vulnerability disclosure

Authelia follows the coordinated vulnerability disclosure model when dealing with security vulnerabilities. This was previously known as responsible disclosure. We strongly urge anyone reporting vulnerabilities to Authelia or any other project to follow this model as it is considered as a best practice by many in the security industry.

If you believe you have identified a security vulnerability or security related bug with Authelia please make every effort to contact us privately using one of the contact options below. Please do not open an issue, do not notify us in public, and do not disclose this issue to third parties.

Using this process helps ensure that users affected have an avenue to fixing the issue as close to the issue being made public as possible. This mitigates the increasing the attack surface (via improving attacker knowledge) for diligent administrators simply via the act of disclosing the security issue.


Please view our security policy for more information.