authelia-gen docs manage adr

authelia-gen docs manage adr

Generate an Architecture Decision Record


  -h, --help   help for adr

Options inherited from parent commands

  -C, --cwd string                                                 Sets the CWD for git commands
      --dir.authentication string                                  The authentication directory in relation to the root (default "internal/authentication") string                                            The directory with the docs (default "docs") string                                        The directory with the ADR data (default "reference/architecture-decision-log") string                              The directory to store the markdown in (default "reference/cli") string                                    The directory with the docs content (default "content") string                                       The directory with the docs data (default "data") string                                     The directory with the docs static files (default "static") string                        The directory with the docs static JSONSchema files (default "schemas")
      --dir.locales string                                         The locales directory in relation to the root (default "internal/server/locales")
  -d, --dir.root string                                            The repository root (default "./")
      --dir.schema string                                          The schema directory in relation to the root (default "internal/configuration/schema")
      --dir.web string                                             The repository web directory in relation to the root directory (default "web")
  -X, --exclude strings                                            Sets the names of excluded generators
      --file.bug-report string                                     Sets the path of the bug report issue template file (default ".github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug-report.yml")
      --file.commit-lint-config string                             The commit lint javascript configuration file in relation to the root (default ".commitlintrc.cjs")
      --file.configuration-keys string                             Sets the path of the keys file (default "internal/configuration/schema/keys.go") string                     The commit message guidelines documentation file in relation to the root (default "docs/content/contributing/guidelines/") string                                 Sets the path of the docs keys file (default "configkeys.json") string                            The languages docs data file in relation to the docs data folder (default "languages.json") string                                 The misc docs data file in relation to the docs data folder (default "misc.json") string         Sets the path of the configuration JSONSchema (default "configuration") string   Sets the path of the identifiers export JSONSchema (default "exports.identifiers") string          Sets the path of the TOTP export JSONSchema (default "exports.totp") string      Sets the path of the WebAuthn export JSONSchema (default "exports.webauthn") string         Sets the path of the user database JSONSchema (default "user-database")
      --file.feature-request string                                Sets the path of the feature request issue template file (default ".github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature-request.yml")
      --file.scripts.gen string                                    Sets the path of the authelia-scripts gen file (default "cmd/authelia-scripts/cmd/gen.go")
      --file.server.generated string                               Sets the path of the server generated file (default "internal/server/gen.go")
      --file.web.i18n string                                       The i18n typescript configuration file in relation to the web directory (default "src/i18n/index.ts")
      --file.web.package string                                    The node package configuration file in relation to the web directory (default "package.json")
      --latest                                                     Enables latest functionality with several generators like the JSON Schema generator
      --next                                                       Enables next functionality with several generators like the JSON Schema generator
      --package.configuration.keys string                          Sets the package name of the keys file (default "schema")
      --package.scripts.gen string                                 Sets the package name of the authelia-scripts gen file (default "cmd")
      --version-count int                                          the maximum number of minor versions to list in output templates (default 5)
      --versions strings                                           The versions to run the generator for, the special versions current and next are mutually exclusive