Title here
Summary here
Generate an RSA private key and certificate signing request
Generate an RSA private key and certificate signing request.
This subcommand allows generating an RSA private key and certificate signing request.
authelia crypto certificate rsa request [flags]
authelia crypto certificate rsa request --help
-b, --bits int number of RSA bits for the certificate (default 2048)
-n, --common-name string certificate common name
--country strings certificate country
-d, --directory string directory where the generated keys, certificates, etc will be stored
--duration string duration of time the certificate is valid for (default "1y")
--file.csr string name of the file to export the certificate request data to (default "request.csr")
--file.extension.legacy string string to include before the actual extension as a sub-extension on the PKCS#1 and SECG1 legacy formats (default "legacy")
--file.private-key string name of the file to export the private key data to (default "private.pem")
-h, --help help for request
--legacy enables the output of the legacy PKCS#1 and SECG1 formats when enabled
-l, --locality strings certificate locality
--not-after string latest date and time the certificate is considered valid in various formats
--not-before string earliest date and time the certificate is considered valid in various formats (default is now)
-o, --organization strings certificate organization (default [Authelia])
--organizational-unit strings certificate organizational unit
-p, --postcode strings certificate postcode
--province strings certificate province
--sans strings subject alternative names
--signature string signature algorithm for the certificate (default "SHA256")
-s, --street-address strings certificate street address
-c, --config strings configuration files or directories to load, for more information run 'authelia -h authelia config' (default [configuration.yml])
--config.experimental.filters strings list of filters to apply to all configuration files, for more information run 'authelia -h authelia filters'