Server Asset Overrides

This guide effectively documents the usage of the asset_path server configuration option.


├── favicon.ico
├── logo.png
└── locales/<lang>[-[variant]]/<namespace>.json


Asset File Name Directory Notes
Favicon favicon.ico No N/A
Logo logo.png No N/A
Translation Locales locales Yes see locales


Important Note

Currently users can only override languages that already exist in this list either by overriding the language itself, or adding a variant form of that language. If you’d like support for another language feel free to make a PR. We also encourage people to make PR’s for variants where the difference in the variants is significant.

Important Note

Users wishing to override the locales files should be aware that we do not provide any guarantee that the file will not change in a breaking way between releases as per our Versioning Policy. Users who are planning to utilize these overrides should either check for changes to the files in the en translation prior to upgrading or Contribute their translation to ensure it is maintained.

The locales directory holds folders of internationalization locales. This directory can be utilized to override these locales. They are the names of locales that are returned by the navigator.language ECMAScript command. These are generally those in the RFC5646 / BCP47 Format specifically the language codes from Crowdin.

Each directory has JSON files which you can explore the format of in the internal/server/locales directory on GitHub. The important part is the key names you wish to override.

A full example for the en-US locale for the portal namespace is locales/en-US/portal.json.

Languages in browsers are supported in two forms. In their language only form such as en for English, and in their variant form such as en-AU for English (Australian). If a user has the browser language en-AU we automatically load the en and en-AU languages, where any keys in the en-AU language take precedence over the en language, and the translations for the en language only applying when a translation from en-AU is not available.


Each file in a locale directory represents a translation namespace. The list of current namespaces are below:

Namespace Purpose
portal Portal Translations

Supported Languages

List of supported languages and variants:

Language Locale Override Path
English en locales/en/*.json
Afrikaans af locales/af/*.json
Afrikaans af-ZA locales/af-ZA/*.json
العربية ar locales/ar/*.json
العربية ar-SA locales/ar-SA/*.json
Български bg locales/bg/*.json
Български bg-BG locales/bg-BG/*.json
Čeština cs locales/cs/*.json
Čeština cs-CZ locales/cs-CZ/*.json
Cymraeg cy locales/cy/*.json
Cymraeg cy-GB locales/cy-GB/*.json
Dansk da locales/da/*.json
Dansk da-DK locales/da-DK/*.json
Deutsch de locales/de/*.json
Deutsch de-DE locales/de-DE/*.json
Ελληνικά el locales/el/*.json
Ελληνικά el-GR locales/el-GR/*.json
Español es locales/es/*.json
Español De España es-ES locales/es-ES/*.json
Eesti et locales/et/*.json
Eesti et-EE locales/et-EE/*.json
Euskara eu locales/eu/*.json
Euskara eu-ES locales/eu-ES/*.json
Suomi fi locales/fi/*.json
Suomi fi-FI locales/fi-FI/*.json
Filipino fil locales/fil/*.json
Filipino fil-PH locales/fil-PH/*.json
Français fr locales/fr/*.json
Français fr-FR locales/fr-FR/*.json
Gaeilge ga locales/ga/*.json
Gaeilge ga-IE locales/ga-IE/*.json
हिन्दी hi locales/hi/*.json
हिन्दी hi-IN locales/hi-IN/*.json
Hrvatski hr locales/hr/*.json
Hrvatski hr-HR locales/hr-HR/*.json
Magyar hu locales/hu/*.json
Magyar hu-HU locales/hu-HU/*.json
Indonesia id locales/id/*.json
Indonesia id-ID locales/id-ID/*.json
Italiano it locales/it/*.json
Italiano it-IT locales/it-IT/*.json
日本語 ja locales/ja/*.json
日本語 ja-JP locales/ja-JP/*.json
한국어 ko locales/ko/*.json
한국어 ko-KR locales/ko-KR/*.json
ku locales/ku/*.json
ku-TR locales/ku-TR/*.json
Lietuvių lt locales/lt/*.json
Lietuvių lt-LT locales/lt-LT/*.json
Latviešu lv locales/lv/*.json
Latviešu lv-LV locales/lv-LV/*.json
Melayu ms locales/ms/*.json
Melayu ms-MY locales/ms-MY/*.json
Malti mt locales/mt/*.json
Malti mt-MT locales/mt-MT/*.json
Norsk Bokmål nb locales/nb/*.json
Norsk Bokmål nb-NO locales/nb-NO/*.json
नेपाली ne locales/ne/*.json
नेपाली ne-NP locales/ne-NP/*.json
Nederlands nl locales/nl/*.json
Nederlands nl-NL locales/nl-NL/*.json
Norsk Bokmål no locales/no/*.json
Norsk Bokmål no-NO locales/no-NO/*.json
Polski pl locales/pl/*.json
Polski pl-PL locales/pl-PL/*.json
Português pt locales/pt/*.json
Português pt-BR locales/pt-BR/*.json
Português Europeu pt-PT locales/pt-PT/*.json
Română ro locales/ro/*.json
Română ro-RO locales/ro-RO/*.json
Русский ru locales/ru/*.json
Русский ru-RU locales/ru-RU/*.json
sc locales/sc/*.json
sc-IT locales/sc-IT/*.json
Slovenčina sk locales/sk/*.json
Slovenčina sk-SK locales/sk-SK/*.json
Slovenščina sl locales/sl/*.json
Slovenščina sl-SI locales/sl-SI/*.json
Soomaali so locales/so/*.json
Soomaali so-SO locales/so-SO/*.json
Српски srp locales/srp/*.json
ss locales/ss/*.json
ss-ZA locales/ss-ZA/*.json
su locales/su/*.json
su-ID locales/su-ID/*.json
Svenska sv locales/sv/*.json
Svenska sv-SE locales/sv-SE/*.json
Kiswahili sw locales/sw/*.json
Kiswahili sw-KE locales/sw-KE/*.json
தமிழ் ta locales/ta/*.json
தமிழ் ta-IN locales/ta-IN/*.json
ไทย th locales/th/*.json
ไทย th-TH locales/th-TH/*.json
Filipino tl-PH locales/tl-PH/*.json
Türkçe tr locales/tr/*.json
Türkçe tr-TR locales/tr-TR/*.json
ty locales/ty/*.json
ty-PF locales/ty-PF/*.json
Українська uk locales/uk/*.json
Українська uk-UA locales/uk-UA/*.json
vec locales/vec/*.json
vec-IT locales/vec-IT/*.json
Tiếng Việt vi locales/vi/*.json
Tiếng Việt vi-VN locales/vi-VN/*.json
ייִדיש yi locales/yi/*.json
ייִדיש yi-DE locales/yi-DE/*.json
中文 zh locales/zh/*.json
中文 zh-CN locales/zh-CN/*.json
繁體中文 zh-HK locales/zh-HK/*.json
中文 zh-SG locales/zh-SG/*.json
繁體中文 zh-TW locales/zh-TW/*.json

More information may be available from the Internationalization Reference Guide.