OpenID Connect 1.0 Relying Party

The OpenID Connect 1.0 Relying Party role is often described as the client. Effectively the relying party relies on an OpenID Connect 1.0 Provider for authentication and authorization information, delegating the validation to the Provider.

Anchoring Implementation

needs design

For the OpenID Connect 1.0 Relying Party implementation to operate users must be able to anchor their Provider account to their Relying Party account (i.e. Authelia). To do this the likely implementation will require the user to already be authenticated to a level that satisfies the two_factor policy and for them to click a link to onboard them.

The accounts will then likely be linked using the pairwise iss and sub claims, i.e. issuer and subject identifier respectively.

See the FAW for an explainer on why we’ve chosen these claims.

Authorization Implementation

needs design

To identify the user on an authorization attempt will likely be completed using the pairwise iss and sub claims, i.e. issuer and subject identifier respectively as previously anchored.

This will very likely appear to the user similar to how the Login with Passkey button appears. There may be some customization provided as to how the layout occurs, i.e. either individually, in a menu, or a combination of the two.

Authentication Methods Reference Values

needs design

The Authentication Methods Reference Values could theoretically be used to derive the effective authentication level of the user in combination with Granular Authorization. We will likely implement this with a opt-in setting to trust the Provider.