
There are several ways to achieve this, as Authelia runs as a daemon. We do not provide specific examples for running Authelia as a service excluding the systemd unit files.

Get started

It’s strongly recommended that users setting up Authelia for the first time take a look at our Get started guide. This takes you through various steps which are essential to bootstrapping Authelia.


We publish two example systemd unit files:

Arch Linux

In addition to the binaries we publish, we also publish an AUR Package.


We publish .deb packages with our releases which can be installed on most Debian based operating systems.

APT Repository

In addition to the .deb packages we also have an APT Repository.


Using the Nix package manager Authelia is available via the channel.

$ nix-channel --add
$ nix-channel --update
$ nix-env -iA nixpkgs.authelia


In addition to the binaries we publish, FreshPorts offer a package.

We publish an rc.d service script file:


We publish binaries with our releases which can be installed on many operating systems.