This integration guide is community supported. It's not guaranteed to be complete, accurate, or up-to-date. It's likely that if this integration guide does not work for you that changes occurred with a third-party application.
Important Note: This documentation is version specific. Make sure you check the section outlining the tested versions.
Important Note: We always recommend users read the third-party documentation as part of the integration process to ensure configuration elements matches their needs. As such the See Also section is likely to have important links.
Important Note: If you find an error in this documentation please make a Pull Request, start a Discussion, or contact us on a Chat Room.
On this page
This is a guide on integration of Authelia and Paperless (specifically Paperless-ngx) via the trusted header SSO authentication.
As with all guides in this section it’s important you read the introduction first.
Tested Versions
- Authelia:
- v4.38.7
- Paperless:
- v2.7.2
Before You Begin
This example makes the following assumptions:
- Application Root URL:
- Authelia Root URL:
Some of the values presented in this guide can automatically be replaced with documentation variables.
To configure Paperless to trust the Remote-User
header do the following:
- Configure the environment variables: